If you’ve noticed that I have been extra quiet lately, it’s because I’ve had something up my sleeve.
I’ve been given the opportunity to move Lovely Day Photo into a new, larger studio space. After five and a half years on the 800 block of Main street, it looks like I will soon be a resident of the 500 block of Delaware Avenue. The new space will give me the opportunity to grow (it’s double the space that I have now), and it has private parking. This is especially great for any of my mom’s looking to bring their babies into the studio.
This moment in time is so bittersweet for me. I truly love the studio space I’m in, it has those gorgeous brick walls, high ceilings, and big windows, but I outgrew it years ago and have been trying to make it work. The sentimental part of all of this is that Jimmy purposed to me in the entrance way of the studio five and a half years ago. But the truth is, it no longer works for the business. The studio has grown, it’s now time to give in, and move.
The new address as of October 1, 2015 will be 546 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1Q. If you’re familiar with the city of Buffalo, it’s the old Allentown Athletics Building on the corner of Delaware and Allen. The new entrance to the studio is actually located on Allen street and is gated. Clients coming in for a session will simply pull up, honk and I’ll click the gate to let you in. No more paying for parking, and no more getting kids out of the car on a busy street. Safety for those cute little babes is so important! We will also be able to schedule sessions anytime of the day, no more waiting for the light to be just right. For our bridal clients… not much is changing for you, except we’ll be updating the wedding samples on our walls, albums, and as always, we have champagne and beer waiting for you!
I’m looking forward to the move and will update you again as soon as the studio move is complete.
Thanks so much to all of my friends, family and clients who have supported me over the years, this wouldn’t be possible without your business and referrals!